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Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

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From Engrish & Hanzi Smatter |
The top two characters appeared to me as mirrored 决心 ("determination"). I have no idea what the reference of two characters below, 伐大, is about. 伐 means "[to] cut down", and 大 means "big".
Oh dear...
I think the model has unintentionally tattooed himself with "determined to cut down something big".
Update: I found a photo of the same male model via Google, who is he?

Been working hard on the coming BloodWork book. Recently we received the “dummy” copy. This is a blank page mockup that’s done so we can better visualize the finished product. We mark it up with notes, ideas, and crappy drawings that may or may not be relevant to the actual book content.
You may notice the book is the length of an average man’s torso. Naturally, this means it’ll be difficult to fit this beast on a bookshelf, sorry.
And if it wasnt big enough we plan to do foldouts! I like foldouts… poster size ones.
If you have a sharp eye you'll have also notice a few rough image composites in the background. Imagine a book full of those composites as poster size prints. Whet your appetite? Oktober is just round' the corner.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
The return of the Germans
These guys goes alllll the way back to my 3rd post on this blog!
Well they came back for some more and that was what they got.
It was good to see you guys again!

Sunday, February 22, 2009
When the smoke clears, its looking like we’re going to have around fifty sleeves represented in the project. Dont quote me on that though as I havent actually counted up the total, but the subconscious is telling me its fifty…ish.
DEATH TO FALSE TATTOOING will all be over soon!!

Jon, straight out of Shanksville, got his first tattoo and what could be more cool to get than a mean ass wolf wearing a plastic gold shanksville Bling Bling, howling at a bleeding moon?? Just asking because we couldn't think of anything!

That time again
Miilaaaaaaaaaaaaaano!! She's a beautyfull!!
I think I have decided to go with my plan from last year on London for this year as well.
So here is the result from this years Milan Experiment. If you want to see more then go to my wifes blog and see her report on this event. She had made this cute hat for Sunny Buick.

It is also another attempt to take Bobby T out of the game with this super realistic portrait of my customers mom.

So that was it for this years Milan convention. Good times were had. It was good to see some of our once-a-year-friends again and also some of our friends that we are lucky enough to see more than once a year. It was a pleasure to share booth with my good friend Chriss Dettmer and it was good to have my other homie Hunter S just around the corner.
To end this report I wanna show how friggin' awesome Crash's (editor of Tattoo Artist Magazine) daughter, Raven is!! She rocks and with her brand new Uncle A shirt she is now one of the cool kids!! Yeah!


Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Satan is real!
I am hoping that this can buy me some time. I promise to try to get you more up to date in the next couple of days! Promise!!
Today I did my second portrait even...well reall portrait. I have done some semi real ones before but this was my second black and grey kind of portrait. It was just supposed to be Hank Williams and a bit of extra stuff but ended up a big piece.

Now I need to chill a bit with the wife!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009
I'm Robert (aka. iluvchickswithinks81), I got these Chinese and Russian characters at Hardcore Tattoo, also the tribals on my shoulders that go up onto my neck, my last name inside my arm in old english lettering and last but not least my nipple pierced.
Robert's back is covered with random characters. All of them are poorly done and some of them are not even correct. I have yet seen the Russian characters he is referring to.
This is absolutely shitty tattoo work.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
date: Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 9:56 AM
subject: Tshirt query
Hi Tian,
I've been wearing this shirt for years. Having just discovered your site I'm now a bit worried...
Please tell me it doesn't say something stupid and make me look like more of an idiot than normal.
(ps: keep up the good work! :D)

Alan and I had a good laugh at this shirt and here is what Alan said:
Well, I'll tell you what it says, and you can decide whether it is stupid or not.
From what I can tell, the text on the T-shirt appears to have been cut-and-pasted from the warranty information for an IBM Japan (now Lenovo) computer.
I can tell this because the phone number 0120-20-5550 on the shirt is that for the company's Japanese support center.
Also, just to the right of the neck of the shirt, you will see BMサービ, which was obviously cut from IBMサービス・センター (IBM Service Center).
The Japanese text itself says things like: "In the case that a malfunction should occur, only repair service will be offered." or "We do not accept orders by FAX."
The text is incomplete and overlapping and hard to read, so it is pretty pointless to try to read much more than this, but I think you get the point.
I don't know, but it might have a certain Japanese computer geek allure, although I have no idea if that is up your alley.
date: Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 11:43 PM
subject: Tattoo Help
I got this tattoo years ago. It's supposed to be the Chinese character for smooth. I'm just wondering whether or not that's what it means.
滑 means "[to] slip/slide" or slippery".
Update: Reader Traveler was unsatisfied with my entry and offered an addition of his own:
Tian, I love your site. Though, to toss in a friendly comment, IMHO you often respond to inquiries with just a simple explanation of what some character means. Without delving into the writer's real, unspoken question: "Yeah, but does this make any sense as a tattoo?"
So, if I may humbly attempt to give this poor defaced person some extra context to help understand what he's done to his arm :
The character with meanings of "slip/slide/slippery" is perhaps the closest one could get to a single character meaning "smooth" – but just in the literal sense of "non-rough (surface)". Unless I'm mistaken, it carries no Chinese/Japanese meaning equating to the English slang meanings of "smooth" - sophisticated, cool, polished, urbane, etc. - which I would guess is what Mr P had in mind.
Often, you also (kindly) decline to comment on the artistic merit of the tattoos you present. But, assuming that Mr P would bravely want to know:
It's awful. Just hideous - yet another hack job by an "artist" who simply has no idea how a character is properly constructed.
So, assuming Mr P really wants to know whether his tattoo makes any sense or not: No, from the perspective of a Chinese/Japanese reader, it's both meaningless and ineptly drawn. That said, from the perspective of people who don't read Chinese/Japanese - presumably the majority of this tattoo's "audience" - well, I suppose it may be just fine. Mr P can tell people it means "smooth", or "smooth operator", or "Ninja samurai dragon honor", and that it's an expert artistic rendition by Shaolin calligrapher monks... and few will be the wiser. In that sense, he can go forth and feel comfortable with it!
date: Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 9:21 PM
subject: hanzismatter submission
I am writing this with my hands over my eyes, peeking through my fingers to see if I get the answer ... I got this tattooed on my back in retaliation (yes, a permanent mark in a fit of spite) for an ex-girlfriend's own tattoo of some trampy "angel" that spanned from shoulder blade to shoulder blade. Even if this tattoo means "homosexual lover" it's not as bad as the cracked out Tinkerbell on her back (at least that's what I keep telling myself)! Help me out, because I'm eager to know if this is what it says it is. If not, I have to get it covered up with a giant penis or a hamburger or something else somewhat less ridiculous.
Should add that I expected it meant "to give love".
Richard K.
Since 与愛 has almost no meaning in Chinese, I asked Alan to see if he can dig up something in Japanese. He replied they have no meaning in Japanese either.