Sunday, February 1, 2009


Got the motor runnin’ for 09 with a busy month of tattooing (as opposed anything else we would be doing).

Matt continues to be very consistent. Aside from his regular roster, he did some more work on the male model Takashi.

Ron’s been getting rawer with his stuff, regularly starting new work.

Jim did some more interesting work on a young woman from our local resistance group.

Couple guests in January. Ivan did came and did some tattooing. Also, Jim’s colleague Chad Sellers came out and they traded work.

I finally started Sean’s back, a departure from my normal routine and is off to a good start. Thank you Dan for referring your brother to me. Did some more work on Sibel. Finally getting to the good stuff, anxious to get further along. Jeremy is, at last, back on the schedule, think I may have done a little too much hair in this one. Doug came in for another sesh. Finished most of the difficult groundwork and am just staring to hit the open road with this one. Lot of “finally” this month, also started Steph’s sleeve after a long break.

That’s a wrap!

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