Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Lucy!!

Lucy cam all the way from the Uk to celebrate her birthday by getting tortured by 3 different kinds of liners for 6 hours. AUCH!!! Poor girl! But she took it as a trooper and yes...after 6 hours you ern the title of trooper!! I don't know why lines like that always takes so much longer on the ribs. As it didn't hurt bad enough as it was. Noo noo let's try to make it last longer!! Sorry!! But after these 6 hours I am not worried about how she will do next time! Trooper!!
Hope you guys will have a great day in Copenhagen before your never ending trip home and we will look forward to see you guys soon!

On other Tat zap'n news...
There is a new Blog in town! The Conspiracy inc. Blog! It will be a place with news and updates and what not from the shop so go "follow" that as well so you will get updated on shop news.

That's it for today! See you tomorrow with news about the Germans...and maybe more Milan sneak peak!

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