After a long but fun weekend with 25 years anniversary party for Henning Jørgensens Royal Tattoo, and a great wedding for Fie (aka Flo) and her (now) husbond at the countryside (where I danced...that's right...wasn't even drunk) it was back to the life in Copenhagen where the only fisherman we could see, as far as the eye could reach, was the one I had to do today!
Our friend Martin, who lives on the same street as the shop, had decided that it could be da bomb to get a "classic" Danish painting of a fisher tattooed. We aren't even completly sure if he is Danish or not but most people know him and remembers him from flea markeds or their grandparents homes!
Awesome job on a monday where nothing else seems to fun!

The wedding was really fun and I meet my best friend in Gymnasium who I hadn't seen in about 13 year! It was a bit strange because we were both kinda shy but it was nice to talk to him again.
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