Today has been a good day! My customer today had to cancel (not so good) but that ment that we could run home and do stuff! I have been drawing and painting all day and finally got started on a painting that I have been working on for a while. More of that later.
But then!! The mail (actually a package dude) man came...really late and with him he had my Bella books. What is that? you might say...well if you havn't checked the link then I can tell you that it is a book projekt that I had the honor to be involved in. The theme of the book is women, hence the name, and it is a bunch of great tattoo artist who each have done a piece for the book. My contribution was one of my Antler Ladies. That's right so there is a way to get one! Buy the book!!
That can be done on This site. It really is an awesome book and I am really happy to be in it so hurry up and buy a copy!

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