Thursday, September 30, 2010

Very Red

wearing; H&M jacket, Ebay boots, Red jump suit

Oh yes, I'm having a little break from the washed out pastels, just a little break ;) ...
I'm so in love with red pants right now, red jeans, harems whatever as long as they are red.

The H&M jacket already became a regular in my suitcase, I take it with me wherever I go!
This is the 3rd H&M featured look for their Fall Campaign, you can check it out HERE.
(next week the last look)


Brandon Carter


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

London is the reason

This weekend we went to the London convention. Usually we have a great time there. This time...not so much. You see, a few days earlier I was foolish enough to stand outside in the cold and rainy weather painting the frames for the artshow mentioned in the previous post (SOOO stoked to be in that!!)...wearing short sleeves!! Great idea! Awesome! Well thought out plan chap! Well of course I caught a cold which not only gave me the worst plugs in my ears on the flight but also meant that I had to cancel working on the first day, Friday! Sucked BIG TIME! Fortunately that meant that I could walk around and talk to people and buy stuff. All the things that I never have time to do on the conventions. I hadn't booked any one in since I was just gonna do walk-ins from pre-drawn designs so no one had to get canceled. Saturday was better in the way that I actually did one tattoo. Felt better but wasn't in super shape so Amalie made sure that I didn't overworked myself as I usually would. That resulted in a few disappointed people but what can you do when your nose is running? Sunday I upped it and did two tattoos. That's right!!
To all of the people who I have met this weekend: I hope I didn't seem to far away in my head. I tried my best to be present the whole time but it was a bit hard once in a while. So I am sorry if I seamed a

I am not really sure if this booking plan worked as I wanted it to so I don't know if I will do the same thing next year or try something else. I do know that I hate to disappoint people so I might think of something else. Sorry to all who had hoped to get tattooed! Maybe next time.

There wasn't much partying going on. Thursday night I was out and asleep before 10 at night. Never happens!! The rest of the weekend was pretty much, Dinner and off to bed. But it seamed like we weren't the only ones who were lacking energy this weekend so at least we didn't feel too guilty for not being the big party animals.
But it wasn't all bad. Good friends, nice customers and awesome people in general made it worth the trip and we also got a few awesome presents to bring home with us.

Adam Hays Gave me this bad boy!! AMAZING!!!! You rock dude!!

The picture is from his website.

Dan Smith gave us a print of the painting he did for a Sea Shepherd art show which is a good motivator for me to get started on doing one too. I have had planned to do a charity painting for Sea Shepherd for a looooong time now so this might help me to get started. Thanks Dan.

The best part is always to see those people we only see this one time a year. Even though it might only be for a few minutes it still means a lot. So to all our old friends, It was good to see you again, and to all our new friends, it is a pleasure to get to know you. See you all again next year.

So here they are: The 3 tattoos from this years London Convention!

The OHHHH so evil goat from hell! That's right EEEEEVIL!! Notice the upside down cross of BONES and the word WRATH written in dripping blood!! EVIL I TELL YOU...NOT CUTE!

Ok so we are back to the music video part! YAY!!! Right?? Well it's one live, one real video and one song with a fan made video but I wanna share these 3 songs.

These 3 should have been posted a while ago since we listened to that a lot...and I mean A LOT back a few weeks ago...but then again...we still do. So here is 3 of my shop favourites at the moment.


Shooting all day in the upstairs of Tin-Tin's. Thanks to everyone for being so accommodating while we took over the workspace, and especially to Rachel for helping to make everything go smoothly.
If all goes well we might actually get a day off (!!!) before heading to Zurich.

Photo: Marcus Reprosar


Hi ya'll!
I'm back. Back from London. Back to a more daily routine. Back to this blog.

Before I get into all the things that I have been up to I would like to start with this post. This has been one of the reasons why there has been a lack of posts here on the blog. I have been invited to join a group show in San Francisco called "Scream With Me". It is an honour to be among these people, a lot of whom I really admire. I don't even understand that I was asked to be a part of this but I am stoked about it and I just wish I could be there myself to see the show. If it wasn't for our recent trip to the London convention (see following post) and our upcoming trip to Japan, I would take the trip to SF to be there at the opening. So if you find your self in the area please go check it out and represent me.
I was asked for 3 paintings so I decided to do a series around "scream". "I scream", "You Scream" and "We Scream". A bit cheesy perhaps but I hope people will look more at the paintings than the title. I'm not gonna spoil it for the gallery or the people who wanna go there so here is just a small tease but I can say this much...If you like chicks and corpse paint and bit of erotic then you might like these 3 paintings.

They will be for sale at the gallery so if you wanna own one of my originals framed in a nice matt black frame then here is your chance.

Here is the flyer.

Well, I'm not gonna let you hanging there after a tease so here is a painting I finished a while ago. Just got it framed today and finally got to blog it too. It is already hanging on our Conspiracy walls so come check it out if you are in the hood.

I was gonna continue my music video thing and I will but I think this is fitting for the post. Enjoy and see you soon. More posts are coming in a bit.


The six tattooed characters are from an advertisement flyer for Sakura brand kitchen exhaust system, which means:


With purchase of Sukura system,


Free oil screen/trap


4:45am... Eurostar... London to Paris... to Tin-Tin's.
Photo: Max Dolberg




Over the weekend, in the dusty dungeon of the Tobacco Dock, we shot twenty backpieces and or bodysuits for the coming BloodWork: Bodies project. Many thanks to friend Miki Vialetto for giving us the space to work in during the London Convention.

Here Max is shooting Soeren who has a breathlessly beautiful bodysuit by Filip Leu.

No rest for the weary, tomorrow we are off to Paris to shoot Tin-Tin's clientele.

Sorry for the horrible photo Max.

Train Your Dragon


This is a classy piece on one of our clients in Japan..

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lucky Cat


No survivors... Busaba.


Teamo "Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen" tee from Spanish Moss Vintage, TopShop floral jeans, Blackstone Boots, Botkier bag

Photos by Gemma from FadetoBlack, we were hanging out by the water front in Williamsburg for a bit, it used to be one of my fav paces but lately so much is changed here, slowly the old warehouses are disappearing to be replaced by new luxury condo's and the "old industrial" Brooklyn starts to look like Midtown Manhattan :(

I'm wearing my new MK and Ashley Olsen tee from Spanish Moss Vintage and TopShop Floral jeans and boots. ( It's kind of a rock n' roll look but then in pastels, no? ) The glasses are my new obsession, they are fake but I guess I love them so much because they change my whole look, haha) It's kind of silly.

I still have loads and loads of NYFW photos to sort out!! can't wait to post them all!




Here is a piece from Japan that was an addition to a piece from back in the day.

Monday, September 27, 2010



On our way back home thanks to the guys at neighborhood we tattooed the head designer to say thank you for letting us be a guest at their tokyo offices . Here is flics of tattoo plus location.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

from: Rob B.
to: ""
date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 9:53 AM
subject: Help?

I've always wondered what my tat really says....

it supposed to be "wicked clown".

I don't even know what language it is.


Alan and I have figured out where the guy got "wicked clown."

alone can also mean "bad," "evil" or "wicked", and appears in the word 丑角 (the simplified variant of 醜角) which does mean "clown" or "joker."

But there is no way that 歹丑 means "wicked clown" so we still think the guy is an ass clown.
Alan spotted this photo in BME's Kanji tattoo gallery:

Despite the great calligraphy (calligraphy as in fancy artistic penmanship), there is a huge typo on this person's torso.

Bushido, the way of the warrior in Japanese is written as 武士道, not with in the middle. itself means samurai or warrior, but 武侍道 makes no sense in Japanese. Especially considering Bushido is a Japanese concept.

"Bullshitdo", the way of bullshit, would be more fitting.



Thursday, September 23, 2010

H&M FALL Campaign feature prt2

The second look for my H&M Fall campaign feature!

This is why I love Fall... I belted the romantic/soft H&M ruffle dress with a bulky belt and layered with a bulky jacket coat and heavy scarf. The over the knee socks peep out from under the sturdy boots and no need to say that Fall is my favorite season too when it comes to colors!!

Check out the campaign and the 4 other featured bloggers here



Here are some classic Chevrolet Advertisements from 1959..

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


photos by the self portrait project

I'm wearing; White dress with cut-out sleeves; StyleSofia, black tights, Tory Burch bag.

Gemma (from fade to black) wearing; Jean shorts, Style Stalker top from Spanish Moss Vintage, forver21 studded booties.

Me + Gemma + a random night out... what can I say.... oh the dude is random too.. no idea who he is but we liked him as our "prop man"

The photos are taken by the photo booth of by photographer Andy Lin,
Basically its a booth with a big mirror where you are handed over the self timer so you can actually see the retarded poses your making before you hit the button for your self portrait, its quite genius in all its simplicity! Check out the project here.

ps. tomorrow my second H&M look will go up!!

Self Portrait


Here are a couple fliks of whats been happening the last couple Days..
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