Here is a sellection of what I have been doing...well since we got back from Japan.
Ok, are you ready? Are you comfortable? Do you have your coffee and blanket? Here we go:
Dr. Erik from Sweeeeden got his turtle. Well actually it is Darwins turtle, Harriet.

The most satanic fox ever!! Sebastian came back from Ireland to add this evil fox to his satanic valkyrie. Evil madness!! This must be the most upside down crosses I have ever seen in a tattoo.

Sascha da nurse got herself a pretty anatomical correct heart.

Sune had his 2nd session on his almost sleeve. This time we added his parents. This is my 2nd and 3rd family member portraits ever. Fun fun fun!!

Greg from the Uk came back to finish his mythical unicorn/pegasus/lion and to add this Majestic creature: the Michael Flatley, feet of fire monster! This is no ordinary monster. Ohh no. This is the white shark headed Hydra with the wing of a bat, body of a dragon and feet of a bird...feet of fire!!!

Friida came from Finland came to get her first tattoo. The bird is freeeee and flying away with the key with the F...F for friendship.

Jesper got his grrr arg skull...well it is more a nice Mexican skull but what ever!

Well that was it for now! Hope you enjoyed the show! More photos soon and also a guest appearance on a different blog!!
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