Wednesday, September 16, 2009

About time

It surely was about time that we finished this piece started almost a year ago. Well that's what happens when both the customer and the tattooer is busy all the time. We might come back and add a bit here and there when he decides what to get on the inside, above and next to it.

A big congratulation (in advance) and good luck with the baby!! When ever it happens. All the best from us!!

This next piece took a bit longer than we had expected. The first two sessions were really tough and frustrating because he bled a lot...really!! The session where we did all the black shading was a battle against the blood. In the end I had to throw in the towel after a way to short session and leave it with only black shading. That was why I was a bit concerned before this last session. For reason not clear to me we managed to put in all the rest of the colours...almost 7 hours and therefore a new trooper is added to the HALL OF FAME. Good job!!

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