Monday, August 23, 2010

Not excatly rocket sience...

... but that doesn't mean that we can't tattoo people who work for Nasa designing their fancy moooon stuff. More about that day later. I think Amalie has something lined up for later.

First Tattoo (tattoos?)

Our Polish/irish friends came by and brought cake and everything. Good times. Satanic fox and fancy devil Lady! Awesome!!

This guy is an old customer of mine. Waaaaay back. Now he came back and got himself a nice little Bier mädchen. He is from Germany after all and does like big boobs and bier and who am I to refuse him that!

Did these two pieces a earlier this year. Just never got a picture of them.

I have been waiting almost 2 hours for my old Iphone to get updated so I can change it to my new iphone 4 and start playing with it. Well I guess that will be tomorrow since it is late now here in Denmark.

More crazy tattoos to come and a finished painting too soon!

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