Tuesday, October 27, 2009


NEWS from the Conspiracy Inc. world. We will be moving to a bigger better place. Go see the teaser here.

I have been working on taking pictures of the dirty antler girls all day so it looks like they will be ready for your xmas shopping. Who doesn't want to open a sexy present on xmas? Sexy you ask? Well too sexy for some apparently. Last night I censored all the dirty stuff with pixels and put them on my myspace. I went for a walk with Lucifer and when I came back all the paintings were deleted and I had gotten a mail from Myspace telling me that they had deleted some picture that were to dirty for myspace. I am guessing that some one saw them and snitched on me since it went so fast. How else would they know 5 min after I uploaded them? Well now they are back up on my profile with Mysoace Toms big head on top of all the dirtyness. You can still enjoy them here but even more if you buy the prints when they get here. More about that as soon as I figure everything out.

Later Bloggers!!

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