Monday, August 31, 2009


Another classic soul record for all you loyal followers..

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Here are a couple classic Trailers for all you up and coming artist out there..

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Holy Mother Of....

I the middle of doing all my pure evil paintings I maneged to finally finish this holy mother.
I don't do that much black and grey stuf but I usually really enjoy it. Specially if it is something to do with roses and people. Well here it is...

Now back to doing evilness and satanic skateboards... more about that soon enough.


Available NOW at MetroPCS, the Mister Cartoon-branded Samsung r450 comes pre-loaded with tattoo-centric wallpapers, ringtones and animations and additional downloads are available.
Peter has forward me this interesting story about a woman's tattoo experience.

"I have four Japanese symbols across my back, gleaned from a Japanese-English dictionary.


Yes, it would seem that in our haste, nobody took the semicolon from the dictionary entry out of the design and it now lives for eternity on my skin."


Peter and I are shaking our heads regarding:

She is apparently more upset that there's a semicolon attached to her tattoo than by the fact that the tattoo itself is terribly done.

According to the tattoo's owner, Naomi Dunford, "It was supposed to say 'Mother Daughter Sister Wife'. Then wife was a pain in the ass and it was supposed to say 'beauty.' Who the hell knows what it means at this point?"

More Than Meets The Eye

This is yesterdays doing. Another Pet tribute! One of my favourite things to tattoo.
This is actually my second guinea pig tattoo...funny!!

Soon...Paintings and stuff.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Our client wanted to get the steps of her life tattooed across the tops of her feet.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Posted book stat info on the website and got a pile of emails asking what a "lenticular cover image" was. Hard to explain but essentially its an extremely dangerous (dont try this at home) science tech that captures the soul a human being and then prints out an image of the person but you can see them moving around inside the paper. For real, check out the image on the cover of the mockup copy. Treviño's client Ed is trapped in there. He didnt even know we were gonna do that... he signed the model release.

For real real. So a lenticular image is just a fancy "industry' name for 3D printing. You've seen it. We're bingin' it back. And if ya dont know, now ya know. General Zod knows all about it.


This Friday 8/28/09 I will be at the Upper Playground in San Francisco for the release of the
I also designed an exclusive Tee(Men & Women) that will be released the same day..

Monday, August 24, 2009


Here is a flik of a recent piece, our client wanted to start out his sleeve and keep it traditional to what I've been know for..

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Listening to this song makes you want to get a hickey, buy a lowrider, catch a felony or make a baby.. You make the choice.

A dog in the sun

Here is a little tribute to our little Lucifer who got both his knees operated on last week. The means that he can't walk that much and he is not allowed to jump up or down from stuff or run. Hard for a small dog who used to do that all the time but for the next loooong time he will not be allowed to do any of that. We can see that he is getting better and better but that also means that he wants to jump down from stuff again and run...but he can't so we have to watch him all the time.

Here is a few pictures of him enjoying the sun in Bisserup.


I always love geeky tattoos. This one is a tribute to the Twilight books. I havn't read them myself or seen the movie but she had laid out all the info for me so it worked out.
I should also mention that with her lasting 7 and a half hours she gained the prestigious title of trooper! Good job (also to Sara who lasted 6 and a half the day before. The tattoo was just too red to take a picture of...Still good job!!)

And thanks for alllllll the chocolate and the cake!! I am still saving the chocolate for the perfect movie night.

Going for a walk

Once again I am lacking behind on my blog posts! Sorry!! I really wanna get back into posting almost every day. Everything has just been crazy lately with us beeing sick from some food we ate. It took more than 2 weeks before we were all back to normal again...for me that was a couple of days ago.
Well enough excuses.

Here is some pictures from our extra trip to Bisserup. We went there a little while ago for vacation but that was where we got sick so we didn't really get to enjoy it too much so we went back for an extra weekend.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Check out this movie I watched when I was a kid. I think it might have contributed to my sick sense of humor..

Friday, August 21, 2009


Weighed the BloodWork book... inside its mailing case the beast came in at 12 lbs even. That'd be about 5.4 Kilos. The copy I weighed was the complete dummy mockup. The final book will probably weigh a little more. So, not only will it not fit on your bookshelf, it will also crush any small children you have roaming around.


We are going to be out in San Francisco next week at Upper Playground doing an in store signing so come through and check it out..

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Here is a recent piece.. Our client came in inspired by the Artwork on the new Metro PCS phone and wanted to get some L.A. iconic imagery to start a new sleeve.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


On the Analog BloodWork page we offered a email sign up that would allow people to be put onto a private release list for low number copies of the coming book. Because I am a little overwhelmed at the moment, I failed to ever check to see if the link even worked. Which of course means... it did not work. Anyway, fixed it. So if you already did put your name on the list then you might wanna do it again. Just coverin' my ass.


Here are a couple of flicks from this past weekend over at CagedInk we were at the Tap OuT booth doing some signing..
Thanks to for the pictures.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mister Cartoon In-Store Appearance MetroPCS Panorama City


Check out the canvas that I painted when I was on The East Coast promoting the release of my new Phone collaboration with Metro PCS. Click on the link below to read the piece that Juxtapoz Magazine did on the project..

Monday, August 17, 2009


Here is a client who was thinking big for his first and only tattoo.. He went with a rocker to start out his back piece.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

from: Amilcar C.
date: Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 8:08 AM


Congrats for the cool blog.

A colleague has this tattoo done a couple of years ago and she was told it is suppose to mean “strength”.

Does it really mean that or anything else at all?


Amilcar C.


originated from the book of I Ching, meaning "small accumulating". Other variations include "the taming power of the small" and "small harvest". I don't see the connection between that and "strength", unless there is some kind of six degrees of Kevin Bacon I Ching I didn't know about.


EMBED-UFC 101 - Watch more free videos

Anderson Silva is my favorite fighter and a class act.. He respects Martial Arts, you can tell he lives it as a lifestyle and he is a true Super Hero! Forrest Griffin is also a great fighter and a character, but he was maxed out that day.

Friday, August 14, 2009


During the BloodWork exhibition this Okt we plan to run several large projections in addition to all the prints. Mark and Dan have been assigned the task of creating the motion graphics for the event. Here's a short promo video Mark threw together based off an early motion rough. Going to be exciting to see the images ten feet tall and morphing.


Here is a piece from one of our clients who wanted to Honor her son, she also wanted to incorporate a crown and some stars..

Thursday, August 13, 2009

More antler action!

This is what I finished today. We had done all the lines before so that is why some of the details like the eye looks a bit strange. It might take some time before I can get a real picture of this Swedish antler girl so this will have to do for now!

All lot to report and tell but now I got to attend to my self and relax after a loong but good day.

Lamb of "god"?

Back from 2 weeks of vacation where we spend a lot of the last week being sick. Of well! We are back!

This is what I was working on while being in a nice sunny summer vacation house near forrest and beach! This will be mad as a print on some niiiiiice paper!! It will be awesome and also very limited!! So far I am thinking 50 hand numbered and hand signed. This will be sold for the first time on the London convention in September and the rest will be sold at the shop or here through Paypal. More info when I get to it! But here she is! In all her evilness!!!


This clip is not from some police state or some strange republic where the people don't have any rights... this is from last night in Copenhagen, Denmark...where I live.

It will take to long to get into the details of the demonstration and the way I see it, then it doesn't even matter what the course was either (well it did but not for the point here...But that is really really insane so I can't get into that). What scares me here is how brutal and aggressive these militant cops (this is the regular Danish police) are. There is NO excuse for this kind of brutality. NO reason at all.

I have seen many cases of police brutality in person but usually it has been in riot like scenarios or at least demonstrations where there has been something going on where they can hide this kind of behaviour behind the excuse of getting attacked but what is the excuse here. "Well I had to hit that young girl 8 times because she just kept sitting there. I was scared! What could I do?"

I am shocked and ashamed that this is what the Danish Police force is like. This is who they are now. What happened to the nice police officer who is there to protect and serve? Who let the police become a bunch of brutal hooligans who beats up defenceless young people who sits down on the ground just to spray them with pepperspay right in their faces?

There is supposed to be a complaint made out to the police after this but that shouldn't even be necessary...the evidence is right here!! They went too far!! End of story! But as always nothing will happen. It is the police we are talking about...the "law"...if they still remember that there is such a thing.

I know that there is some many worse things going on in the world but these people are the ones who are supposed to protect us and not be our enemy!

Here is another "best of" of our finest!

Angry Uncle!!

Up next...pretty pictures of tattoos and stuff!!


Check this out, come through and show support. I will be posted up doing a

signing at Caged Ink in the TapouT booth this weekend on Saturday at 2pm at the Pomona Fairplex.  Very rarely do I get to hang out at a spot that

combines 3 of my favorite passions: Tattooing, MMA, and Cars. Also check out the BMX, skateboard, paintball, and Battle of the Bands. I will be rolling through in my new stealth Metro PCS tricked out Escalade, Peep my new phone at

Don’t miss it. 

Visit for tickets and information. 

See you on Saturday Homies don't miss it..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Some people like to identify the the clown with being a joke or someone to laugh at.. But for the rest of the population the clown can represent someone that is always clowning and doesn't take themselves to serious..


Double sleeves (aka wingspan) by Mr. Treviño... nuff said.

BloodWork: Sleeves: Release Image

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I had the honor of attending the Dallas Mayor's Back to School Fair, Thousands of students and their parents waited in line and attended the 13th annual Mayor’s Back to School Fair. I rolled through with the Sanctioned Metro PCS crew and did a airbrush demonstration for the kids, Warren Sapp AKA the QB KILLA was on hand to sign posters and let the kids know that anything is possible. Thanks to everyone who showed support , thanks to Techniques and Phaylanx car clubs for bringing out there rides during a work day. 

Monday, August 10, 2009


I just got back from Dallas we killed it out there, Dallas showed us a lot of love, check out some pics from the metro PCS instore event. I want to say a special thank you to the local car clubs Majestix, Phaylanx and Techniques also to all who came out to support on the day thank you. Even though we were in the hood a bunch of celebrities came out to show some love. Football legend Warren Sapp turned out not just to pop bottles in the club but to shake kids hands and sign autographs. Hometown heroes and world class produces Play-N-Skillz came through to sign posters and chop it up. I also had to go to work by doing a airbrush demonstration for the youngsters in store check out the 1 of a kind piece I did thanks to Df wireless and Metro PCS, for updates check out

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