Monday, July 28, 2008

Amor, Dios, Familia

A couple of days ago I received this photo link in Flickr from Sara in Canada.

Its caption in Spanish said:

Amor, Dios, Familia
Traduccion literal
Ama a Dios cmo a tu Familia

Which means,

Love, God, Family
Literal translation
Love your God & family
Love God the way you love your family

Nice sentiment, however there probably will not be much love for the tattooist. Love & Family are mirrored.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Foooo shizzle Dan-nizzle!

I havn't had too much time or energy to blog lately! I have been wanting to but too many things going on! But now it's time!

For the last week our friend Dan Sinnes have been here working and hanging out with us! Great guy and great tattooer with a strange obsession with vaginas and penises...go see his work and you will see. Awesome stuff!

Then our good friend Sascha decided to Drop by!! Awesome surprise!!! We havn't seen him since new year and we have been sooooo busy with both our lives that we havn't talked enough either so when he told us that he was gonna come for a couple of days we were STOKED! That's right! Stoked! Doesn't throw that word around that often but that is how we felt! Stoked!! Syked even!! Good times were had! Many laughs! Good catching up and of cause some Guitar Hero Action!! Hell Yeah!!!!

We even got him hooked on the blog thing so he started his own!! hi hi!! The power of the bloooooog!

While he was here he started a sick tat with the Daaaaaan! A sweet liger right on da ribzies!!

No trooper title were given that day (min 6 hours of tattooing) since none of our customers that day lasted longer than one and a half hour!! More time to hang out so it was ok!

Then the other day our "neighbor" tattooers Judd and Marija came by to say hi on their day of. Marija decided to get a nice little horsie on here foot since Dan was in the hood!

Have you always wanted to know what a Luxembourger look like when he makes the sound of a horse? Well here it is then:

...and if your were wondering what a Geisha doll with a parrot head would look like...well then here is the answer to that too:

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


The Homies Cool & Dre came thru yesterday. They are down here to do a video for a track they did for Lil Wayne, feat Game. They were playing some of the tracks they have dropping soon and these boys are bringing the Heat! As always.
-SA Studios

Friday, July 18, 2008

Boss Hogg Outlaw

H-Towns finest Slim Thug came thru during the awards shows a while back.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Customers of the month!

Word on the street is that if you bribe me, you will get an appointment faster!! I only have one thing to say about rumours like this: It is absolutely true!! Both Gun and Simon had gotten that memo so they both brought home made cake for their appointments today!! Super deluxe cake day and usually cake day is on Fridays. But not today! No sir!! Double up on the cake!!! Delish!!!

First came gun with his home made brownies!! Yummi! We got to start some colouring on his snake/skull/roses/heart tattoo! Due to lack of time and pain after almost 5 hours of torture we didn't finish it yet...but soon!

After Him came Simon with his home made apple pie with cinnamon! Classic!!!

We had to do a little bit of touch up here and there on his Buddha dude. This picture is pre touch up so i will post new and better pictures later on! But here it is as it looked earlier today!

These guys takes the price for customers of the month for their effort of making mouth watering cake for us to get an appointment!! Good job guys!!

Just to end the super cake day perfectly, my wifes friend Helle came by our place to hng out and guess who brought cake?? That's right! Once...twice...three tiiiiiimes a cake day!! Yes sir!!!


Here is another reason why it is a bad idea to tattoo a person's name onto your own flesh:

利娅 is the Chinese transliteration for "Leah".

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lucifer....truely a Hellhound!

...well sometimes!

Walking this cute looking beast can drive me nuts. I'm not really a dog person and I don't really like that many dogs besides Lucifer! Loooooves my Lucifer but I hate walking dogs specially when they don't listen or do what you tell them to...I just had one of those walk. That's why I felt like doing something that reminds me how awesome he is! And hey!! I even share it with yall!

Baby Lucifer!! small and innocent!

...Love that little beast!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


It has been a nice and relaxed sunday! Well needed if you ask me! I have been doing a few things here and there and enjoyed hanging with the wife.
Besides walking our dog Lucifer and his kinda girlfriend Masuimi, who we dogsit at the moment....

...we ate some delicious icecream from our new favourite icecream bar around the cornor...

...and later we ate some sticks and sushi and I got myself some nice Japanese Beer
and then we watched Be Kind Rewind! Funny!!
BUT!!! I also did this new tshirt design for my friends band Last Mile.

I will finish the painting later. I just wanted to be sure that it all works before I ruin it with some stupid background or something! But here it is so far!

More of the blur!

I have been planing to post pictures Pre-blog for a while and here is the first batch! It is from a shoot where I wanted to try out some different things with my gear and light. Most of them is taken with my Canon 50mm which I love to use! Anyway! I prefer no to do any work in Photoshop if possible because it just seems more like real photography that way! I like taking pictures, not play in Photoshop. I did have to fix two of them though but not much!
Hope you like!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

She's a real Laaaaady, you know!

The last two days I have been doing crazy ladies! Actually I have been doing a bunch of cool ladies lately but here is the two latest ones! They are real ladies even though the first one looks like a dude (or maybe even Devendra Banhart) and the second one COULD be mistaken for a deer...but no!! They are ladies and they do lady things!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Saturday at the office!

We had a little extra working day this week! We were supposed to start this the other night but it didn't really work out the way I wanted it to so we decided to wait a few days! But here it is! Stephs arm of roses and mechanical butterflies! Weeeee!!!

...and to the observant reader of this blog: Yes it is the same Steph who finished her phone tattoo the other day!! Crazy Brits! Amalie and I are convinced that there is something in the British tea that makes them do better when they get tattooed!!! British super strength tea!!!! We are onto you!!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Terribly Mysterious

Yesterdays doing:
A black swan gentleman of science and wisdom!!
You don't see them often because they usually hide in their labs or other places of wisdom and knowledge but they are real!!
This gentleman is now sitting on another British Gent, Matt The Trooper. 6 and a half hours of tattooing! Auu!! But no complaining from him!! Good job!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Nereida Gallardo's "Ass-Guard"

Nereida Gallardo, the hot girlfriend of football star Cristiano Ronaldo, has some characters tattooed on her lower back.

I would assume there are more characters tattooed below her bikini bottom, otherwise the exposed portion of means "armed friend", or in this case: "ass-guard".

It sounds like a punchline for some anti-anal-sex joke.

(Thanks, John)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

On the phone!

Today Matt and Steph came from the Uk for a two day tattoo party! Today we finished Stephs phone that we started last year at the London convention. All the lines and black was done so we just had to put some colour in it! It's hard to get a good picture of a fresh tattoo when the black is healed but here it is the spirit of being back in blogging mode!
She told me that someone had actually emailed her about getting a front picture of it so she could get the same tattoo!! DON'T STEAL OTHER PEOPLES TATTOOS!!!! GET YOUR OWN TATTOOS DRAWN FOR YOU!!! And for the tattooers: DON'T STEAL OTHER PEOPLES TATTOOS!! DRAW YOUR OWN TATTOO DESIGN!!


After that we touched up Matts pen that goes through his neck...not good for pictures so he doesn't get in on todays blog action but tomorrow we will start a cool piece on him so tomorrow he will be here too!!


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

ohhh by the way!!

It was my birthday some days ago! I had a great day thanks to my wife and a few friends! I didn't really care about celebrating it but they made it a great day!! As always well documented by my talented wife so I will leave the picture to her...also I am lazy and tired now! Here is from her blog.

Still here!!!

I am sorry once again for the lack of posts here on my blog! I have been in a strange "mood" since we got back from California. I don't have the go to do anything that has to do with myspace or blogging...well, I do but it feels like I don't have the energy to do it! It will pass and I will be a busy blogger in no time! As the matter of fact, I have thought of a few posts to come with older photoshots I have done! So I guess I am getting there!
Mean while...
Here is a bit of what I have tattooed the last couple of days!

Last Friday our good friends from Sweden/Ireland came to get tattooed. We had to put the final touch on Elins arm and Gar had to get his hand touched up! Forgot the picture!!! We wanted to hang out with those cats some more while they were here but I had stuff to do all Saturday so we had to settle for some quality hangtime Friday! Sorry guys!

Today I had a visit from Italy who got his neck tattooed. I really hate doing necks. The skin is always hard to work with and stuff like that but we did it! One big rose!

After that I finished a cover up that I started a while ago. Even though she bribed us with freshly picked flowers and homebaked cake and buns to get a new appointment, we hadn't been able to squeeze her in before today.

That was it for now! Sorry...I am tired but there will be more soon!
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